Sky High! Making a cardboard city for Dream Machine
More than five months went into the planning of Dream Machine before we could begin construction on sets. Still, there was a lot of trial and error when it came to arranging the buildings in this scene. Once a satisfactory arrangement was completed, every building had to be removed from the set, painted, detailed, and rigged with miniature lights.
The tallest building in Dream City is visible in three scenes preceding Sky High, but it is only in this scene that readers discover it's shaped like a robot!
Like most of the buildings in Dream Machine the robot building is made of corrugated cardboard. Here, I attach windows made of rectangles cut from self-stick black vinyl sheets. Circular components are made from plastic plates and deli containers.
Flying cars were mounted to long wooden sticks, placed in the scene and photographed. Another photo was taken without the cars. Finally, the wooden sticks were retouched out and motion blurs were added using Photoshop.
Sky High ©2003 Walter Wick,
from Can You See What I See? Dream Machine